Monday, January 23, 2012

MEGA SHARK vs some dumb octopus

Check out this trailer for a movie about a huge freaking shark fighting this lame octopus. Octopi are hella smart and can fit through really small things (check this video out!!!) but when it comes to taking on mega-sharks, I'm doubtful. Like really, what you gonna do with slightly more than a half dozen tentacles and some suckers and some small hole escape skills when you're fighting what is basically an aquatic chainsaw? Sharks have row after row of razor sharp teeth and if one of those babies fall out, THE SHARK CAN GROW A NEW ONE. Not even man, the so-called "deadliest game," can regrow their own teeth. So who wins this epic battle of the deep sea behemoths? Let's find out.

Oh bummer, that clip doesn't tell who wins. Well, I just looked at the Wiki page for the movie, which says [SPOILER ALERT], "The two creatures engage in a fierce battle, at the end of which, the octopus strangles the shark after the shark dismembers some of its tentacles, causing it to bleed to death." So I guess they both die? That's lame.

Maria's Fav News Sites


Devon's Top (Shark) News Sites

1. Underwater Times

2. The Dorsal Fin (shark news... without the hysteria)

3. Shark Times

Shark bite! Whooooooa! Ouch.

Fighting Shark(s)

Like this sweet shark fighting news, image, and video? Comment on this post!

First exercise

1. CNN

2. New York Times

3. Journalists without border

Favorite news sites

1. Mother Jones

2. New York Times

3. Ars Technica

Favorite News Sites

3) Wired

news stuff

1. The New York Times

2. Yahoo!

3. Al Jazeera


Haley's favorite sites

1.) Yahoo News
2.) Austin American Statesman

3.) New York Times

Top 3 News Sites



2. New York Times

 3. CNN

Favorite News Sites

1. Yahoo! News

2. Huffington Post

3. Rolling Stone

My Favorite News Sites!

Sylvia's favorite websites

1. New York Times

2. Los Angeles Times

3. The Austin-American Statesman

my favorite news sites.

1. Huffington Post

2. Yahoo!

3. The Onion

Top 3 news websites

1. CNN

2. New York Times

3.Journalist without borders

Victoria's Favorite News Sites

1. Twitter

2. iGoogle

3. Alternative Press

4. BBC

Rockin the News stand

1. New York Times


3. CNN

Fighting Shark

My Favorite News Web Sites

1. Yahoo
2. Austin Statesman
3. New York Times

News sites

1. NY Times
2. Huffington Post
3. Al Jazeera English

Favorite News Sites

1.Fox News
3. ABC 

My Favorite News Sites

1. Wall Street Journal
2. CNN Money
3. USA Today
 ...and Twitter

My Favorite News Web Sites

3.New York Times

My favorite news sites

1. AP News

2. New York Times

3. Huffington Post

Favorite News Sites

Bests places to get your daily News!!

Top picks:
1. The Austin American-Statesman
2. The New York Times
3. E! online (for those who like entertainment news).


My favorite news sites:

  1. CNN
  2. The New York Times
  3. The Huffington Post